Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Meteors Arrival

It's been nine years, nine years since that fatal day by the docks. That day that would change my life forever. My name is Bruce Zhu. I was a 12-year-old that lived in a bad part of china. A part that was ruled by gang violence, and murder. There was to be a rumble by the docks between my gang, the Triads and the Yakinawa Clan. We were supposed to meet at Shanghai harbor and bash each others brains out. A clean fight, no guns, bats or knives, just mano a mano. The winning gang would control gang violence over shanghai.
I arrived early, eager to fight. There I found some other gang members doing push-ups and getting ready for the fight to come. When the fight finally came, I picked out who I was going to fight. A guy named Byakuya, the toughest and most famous member of the Yakinawa Clan.
Both sides charged at each other. I kicked him in the nuts and he went down and I smashed his face into the concrete. I looked around and saw pure chaos. Blood spurting out of peoples mouths, punches and kicks connecting as screams of pain rang out through the night. Just at that moment a meteor near the polluted bay nearby and exploded. The meteor glowed a green aura as it raced through the night sky. Only radioactive elements had that kind of glow. The radioactive debris and the polluted water rained down on me, and also the gang members. A chunk of the meteor hit me on the back of my head and I passed out and fell behind some boxes.
I woke up in the morning, dazed and confused, with a massive pain in the back of my and stumbled back to my apartment. I looked down at my left hand which felt weird. It was a pulsating feeling, like blood was rushing in then rushing out a million times a minute. It also glowed bright white as if it were covered by a heavenly aura. It disappeared a few minutes later.

1 comment:

Nasaiya Inamae said...

I think the fight scene could use some work...
And how does your character know that the metor had radioactive stuff in it?
What was it like when he passed out?
What did he feel like when he woke up?

I can't even figure out the guy's name...